[00:00:00] Hey, take 20 seconds and let me tell you a story about overcoming obstacles. My name is David Kashmer. I'm board certified in anti aging and regenerative medicine. I'm also a trained trauma and acute care surgeon who practices in those things and surgical critical care. Now, with 20 years working with critically ill and injured patients as a surgeon and critical care provider, I've learned a lot of things, but let me tell you one important thing I learned happened during COVID.
During COVID, I cared for critically ill patients on the ventilator, often as their primary caregiver. And my personal highest number was 49 intubated patients in a day, and these patients were ill. I tell you this to share with you that I noticed a difference between patients who lived and ones who unfortunately didn't.
And one of the ways to think of that difference is as an ability to respond to the disease. It's something we call physiologic reserve. In other words, when a disease [00:01:00] asks you to respond to stress, can you do it? It's like running a race for your heart, your neuroendocrine system, other bodily processes.
The fact is, things stress us, whether it's getting older or other conditions. And when we have other conditions, like obesity, diabetes, all different types of conditions, those lead to decreased physiologic reserve. This is why I started the Evergreen Institute. Now, people get to know Evergreen because they can't sleep maybe they want to lose weight, they want better blood pressure control, or they need things like hormone replacement with testosterone, or female hormone replacement, and all of that's really important. It's all part of it. But what it's really about, and the deeper reason that Evergreen is here, is to support you with anti aging and regenerative medicine practices, so that whatever comes at you in life, you're going to be ready.
Now there's a famous quote from Rocky that it's not about how hard [00:02:00] you can hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. Now Evergreen is here to help make sure you embrace timeless wellness and that you can keep moving forward. So call, text, contact us when you're ready. Visit our website to get started.
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